Drive in rack

Drive in rack (also known as Drive through rack) is a high-density storage rack system suitable for storing a large number of similar or identical products.



Product name: Drive in rack

Product Description: Drive in rack (also known as Drive through rack) is a high-density storage rack system suitable for storing a large number of similar or identical products. It usually consists of a series of pallets and lanes where goods can be pushed or driven directly from one end of the shelf to the other by a driving vehicle. Drive in rack can greatly improve the storage density and storage efficiency of the warehouse, so that the warehouse can better use the space, and improve the speed of goods access.

Product features:

High-density storage: Drive in rack maximizes warehouse space by storing large quantities of goods using high-density storage methods.
Easy to operate: Driving vehicles can directly enter the shelf inside storage or take out goods, improve the speed of goods access.
Strong applicability: Drive in rack is suitable for relatively regular shaped goods, such as boxes, buckets, pallets, etc., especially for storing seasonal products and large quantities of identical products.
Cargo protection: Cargo is stored on and supported by pallets, reducing the possibility of damage to the cargo.
Scope of application:
Drive in rack is usually used in industrial, commercial and logistics sectors such as food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, textiles and other industries. Drive in rack is suitable for warehouses that need to store a large amount of goods, especially those that need to store seasonal products at a high density.



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